Math Sharpeners

Skip Counting Worksheets for Kids

Discover the joy of numbers with our Free Skip Counting Worksheets!

Skip counting is not just an essential math skill; it’s the doorway to unlocking the mysteries of multiplication, division, and beyond! It helps children understand number patterns, prepares them for more complex math concepts, and boosts their confidence in math.

Skip counting means counting forwards or backwards by numbers other than 1. For instance, counting by 2s (2, 4, 6, 8…) or by 5s (5, 10, 15, 20…) are popular ways to skip count. It’s a fundamental skill that enhances numerical fluency and prepares kids for higher-level math challenges.

Skip Counting Worksheets

Skip Counting Charts

Skip counting charts is a fantastic way to visually engage kids and help them understand the patterns in numbers when skip counting.

Skip Counting by 2

Skip counting by 2 worksheets includes activities such as coloring and missing numbers.

Skip Counting by 3

Skip counting by 3 worksheets includes activities such as coloring and missing numbers.

Skip Counting by 4

Skip counting by 4 worksheets includes activities such as coloring and missing numbers.

Skip Counting by 5

Skip counting by 5 worksheets includes activities such as coloring and missing numbers.

Skip Counting by 6

Skip counting by 6 worksheets includes activities such as coloring and missing numbers.

Skip Counting by 7

Skip counting by 7 worksheets includes activities such as coloring and missing numbers.

Skip Counting by 8

Skip counting by 8 worksheets includes activities such as coloring and missing numbers.

Skip Counting by 9

Skip counting by 9 worksheets includes activities such as coloring and missing numbers.

Skip Counting by 10

Skip counting by 10 worksheets includes activities such as coloring and missing numbers.

Skip Counting by 11

Skip counting by 11 worksheets includes activities such as coloring and missing numbers.

Skip Counting by 12

Skip counting by 12 worksheets includes activities such as coloring and missing numbers.